la traduzione in italiano sara presto on line

JM: Nice guys rock. . .and we're good at sex too.

JM: . . .on top.

JM: Oh, don't worry, I can find the hole.

JM: Just make me large.

JM: I have a big candle.

JM: Yeah, you can actually get to the G-Spot better if your penis does bend
that way.

JM: Size DOES matter, it's all about the fit. . .You don't want to hurt the

JM: (with his arms spread wide) Fuck me at your peril!

Caller: Um, I've never had oral sex like done to me.
JM: Oh, it's good. Yeah, it is.
Caller: I'm a giver, not a receiver.
JM: (in a deep, sexy voice) Oh, yeah, well, receive a little bit. . .Yeah, cos
he can learn to please you.

JM: I think [human sexuality] starts with animals in a barnyard. It does. It
does. And then it grows into something more. . .I think that there's, at least
speaking personally, that premarital sex is something that can lead to
something more meaningful. As human beings, we get bored with just
procreation. We must have something much more meaningful to occupy our time.

JM: The breasts are so soft, and they're right there, but the legs lead to

JM: And it's happened more than once and I'm like at the MOMENT, right? And
you're in it, and you're inside and it's all going right and she goes, "Do the
accent." (makes downward hand motion and plane crash noise.)

JM: Situps help sex big time.

JM: The right to masturbate is like under the constitution.

Q: Boxers or briefs?
JM: None, baby. What's the point? 21st Century, man. Just kidding. It's just
in the way if... (laughs, stops himself) no never mind.

JM: I lost my virginity in a threesome.

JM: I like my girls to shave. But I give the same thing to them. I shave
myself too. I've got a little tiny thing that looks like a pen –––––– it feels

JM: We're randy as hell.

JM: Love is love, man. You just have to pay attention to your partner and work
with her, you know? And as long as she takes some responsibility for her own
orgasm, you're gonna be fine.

JM: I'll take responsibility for my orgasm!

JM: Good beer is rare...and good sex, unfortunately.

JM: I've learned how to kiss, yeah. Be present in the moment. Just be with
that person and have nothing else going on but that moment, so that the little
tiny communication can happen. But if you're thinking about your job, or the
last lover you had, or whatever, or how you want to -- are we going to score?
You know? Get that all out of your mind and just be with the person right
then. That's as much as I know. Wow. If you want to kiss, you can. Yeah.

JM: If you can kiss really well I find that women tolerate a lot of different
kinds of behavior. As long as a girl knows that she is the center of your
universe, you can act out a lot.

JM: There's a line that goes down the side of a woman's neck that I just love,
and I love the hair on the nape of the neck where the tender part meets the very hard part of the skull.

JM: In general, with fans, if you hook up or if you get intimate with them at
all, they have an agenda and a fantasy, and there's no way you're going to get
out of not smashing that at the end. So at the very end of the experience, no
matter how hard you try, there's going to be tears. You don't want to break
someone to have a couple hours of fun.

JM: If he can't wait, he doesn't really love you.

JM: There's something to be gained with that [bad boy] fire, but prepare to be

JM: You want to know if I've done porn? One thing 12 years ago ———— but you
couldn't get me to tell you about it if you used railroad spikes.

JM: I have not experimented with Viagra, but God help the world when I do. I'm
not going to need it for a while. I'd be a maniac.

Q: Have you had any French girlfriends?
JM: For a little while when I was in France last year. (laughs) Yeah, that was
nice actually. Good kissers.
Q: German girlfriends?
JM: A German girlfriend, when I was in England, for a night. (laughs) Bonn,
beautiful girl. Nothing was wrong with English girls (laughs), I had an
English girlfriend!
Q: What about Aussie girls?
JM: Very beautiful, but at the time I brought another girl with me to that
function, so I was with someone from America, at that point. This is starting
to sound really bad, man. (laughs) Yikes.

JM: If I get intimate with someone, I really want, I've got to feel some sort
of trust. . .

JM: If I had a girlfriend and she wanted to go see some TV personality, "Get
the fuck out of here!" because I'm all insecure like that, you know.

JM: I've chosen women that. . .couldn't make me happy.

JM: To be in love is to be vulnerable. . .

JM: [Love is] when the other person's needs, hopes and fears are as important
to you as your own.

JM: I'm love's bitch in real life. Totally. I believe in romance.

JM: I think men were made to be protectors, because we have muscles and
aggression, and I think you should find something that you love and protect it
and you'll never feel more manly than that.

When James was asked what he thought of felching at the Sacramento 2005 con,
he thought the fan said had said belching and let out a really impressive one.
When he realized that wasn't what she meant, he went down and made her explain
it right into his ear. She nearly fainted. He finally got it, gave her a look
that said 'You're naughty,' and went back up to the stage with a huge grin on
his face. He then went on to say he was willing to try it once, but his
girlfriend at the time asked (he put on a scandalized voice) "You want to put
THAT WHERE????" (Most people believe that he misunderstood the explanation and
thought he was being asked about anal sex.)

Also at the Sacramento con, James went on to tell how he was working in a real
estate rental office and had said something derogatory about the S&M practices
of a gay couple and got chastised for it. He said he learned a lot more
tolerance from the couple and now his motto is "If it's done with love, it's
all good."

From the Toronto 2005 autograph line, a fan reported, "We discussed a few
other things including his orgasms, which are apparently quite good. . .and he
was gracious enough to provide unsolicited advice. . .regarding improving some
physical responses."
- James è mancino
- Ha co-fondato il New Mercury Theater di Seattle, chiamato così dopo che Orson Welles scelse questo nome per la sua compagnia teatrale.
- Ha rasato i suoi famosi capelli biondo platino in TV nello show On Air With Ryan Seacrest per beneficenza.
-Ha scritto un fumetto della serie Buffy TVS: Spike e Dru per la Dark Horse Comics.
- E' alto 1.77 mt
- E' divorziato da Liane Davidson da cui, nel 1996, ha avuto il suo unico figlio Sullivan. Ha in custodia la nipote Brittany che ha la stessa età del figlio
P. sul set di dragonball

notizie di oggi dicono che alcune persone hanno visto miss P sul set di dragonball insieme a James ....

tutto ancora da confermare .....
In aggiunta all'intervista fatta sul set di Dragonball...James Marsters(piccolo) gli sono stati rovinati i denti da Chow Yun-Fat non intenzionalmente.

James, che ha interpletato Spike, si rifiuta di ridere perche, ha detto, gli hanno rovinato i denti sul set di Dragonball mentre lo stavano girando in messico.

James ha detto che andava direttamente in aereoporto e andava direttamente alla Buffy reunion e che non ci voleva mostrare i suoi denti bianchi e perlati prima di essere andato da un dentista.

Sembra che il cast sia completamente esausto dopo aver filmato in messico specialmente per James e Youn Fat perche avevano molte scene di combattimento ....
created by: james4ever-morgana-jo